Thursday 16 June 2016

NEW - Funding News Update June 2016

Local Community Projects Fund

The Local Community Projects Fund helps organisations based in local communities to deliver projects or provide equipment to people in need at the heart of our local communities.

Who do we support?
Local Community Projects Funding is offered to organisations supporting people in need. Any not for profit organisation can apply, however, larger organisations with a turnover in excess of £300,000 are unlikely to be successful.

What type of project can we support?
We are interested in projects that improve resilience within your community of interest. This can include sessional activities/respite support, equipment for sessional activities, trips and residential breaks. We are also interested in new approaches and innovative ideas as well as sustainable approaches to supporting your community of interest. We do not fund running costs or continuation of existing and ongoing work.

All projects must support a community of interest, ie people who are: 
Disabled or suffering chronic illness
Living in poverty
Voluntary carers
Isolated older people
Other demonstrable significant need
The maximum grant that we can give is £2,000. 

Money Advice Service

In support of the UK Financial Capability Strategy, the Money Advice Service is today launching a new fund of up to £7 million, to help understand more about how to improve financial capability. The fund will be available to organisations to help them pilot new approaches to improving financial capability and evaluate their projects.

Launching across the UK, the What Works Fund will provide financial support for projects which are focused on building evidence of the types of interventions that can make a measurable difference to people’s financial capability.

Funding will be available for the evaluation of existing interventions as well as piloting and evaluating new approaches. There will also be funding available to scale up existing programmes which have already demonstrated results to test the effectiveness of the project when reaching a wider group of people. 

Boshier-Hinton Foundation

The Boshier-Hinton Foundation exists to improve quality of life for people with disabilities or learning difficulties, and their families, in any part of the country, by making donations to charitable institutions providing facilities and advocacy for children and adults with special educational or other needs: or by making donations to other registered Charities: or by making donations to local community charities or other agencies in any part of the country whose objects are no wider than the charity's own, or to any charity for particular purposes which fall within the Foundation's objects.

Blagrave Feedback Fund
The Blagrave Feedback Fund to support improved listening, learning from, and support to, young people.

What is it?
Small grants of between £1,000 and £4,000 to assist organisations with a particular aspect of
gathering feedback from service users or advancing work in this area.

Who is eligible?
Charities with a turnover of at least £50,000 pa working to support young people aged 11-25 in the counties of: 
Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
Small grants are available of between £1,000 and £4,000 to assist organisations in Berkshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Wiltshire and Sussex that work with young people aged 11 – 25 to carry out projects gathering feedback from service users or advancing work in this area.

To find out more, visit our website. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2016. 

Character grants

Applications now open for character grants worth £6 million and aimed at schools promoting traits such as resilience and respect.

This year’s character grants - a scheme that began in 2015 to fund schools and organisations promoting traits such as resilience and respect - are aimed at schools that use activities such as sports, debating or music to provide a rounded learning experience for children. From today, schools, colleges and organisations can apply for a share of the £6 million fund.

Applications are open to:
Local authorities
Voluntary, community or social enterprise (VCSE) organisations or other profit or non-profit organisations
Proposals must be provided on a ‘not-for-profit’ basis and must be designed to work within or in partnership with school(s) and/or college(s) in England. By ‘partnership’ we mean that the provider must (at a minimum) engage with the relevant school or college where each young person attends to assess whether the proposed activity or provision will help to underpin success in school and work. We would expect schools and colleges to be named in any bid.

Organisations have until 23 June to submit a proposal for grant funding. Grants are expected to be awarded by the end of September.

Grants for the Arts

Grants for the Arts is our open access funding programme for individuals, art organisations and other people who use the arts in their work.

We offer awards from £1,000 to £100,000 to support a wide variety of arts-related activities, from dance to visual arts, literature to theatre, music to combined arts.

Grants for the Arts is a rolling programme with no deadlines. Decisions on applications for £15,000 or less take six weeks. Decisions on applications of over £15,000 take 12 weeks.

Information courtesy of Slough CVS