Wednesday 27 May 2015

Latest News: Grants & Funds

War Memorial Grant Scheme
Grants are available for the repair and conservation of free standing war memorials.  Grants are from £3,000-£30,000 and will normally make up 75% of eligible costs.  The closing date for applications is Tues 30th June.  For more information please click here.

Heritage Lottery Funds
For more information about any of the Heritage Lottery Funds please click here:
Parks for People - £100,000-£5million for projects relating to historic parks and cemeteries.  Deadline for applications is Mon 31st August.
Start Up Grants - £3,000 - £10,000 for new organisations to look after a heritage site or engage people with one.  This also supports existing groups taking on new heritage responsibilities.
Grants for Places of Worship - £10,000-£250,000 for structural repairs and improvements.
Transition Funding - £10,000-£100,000 for those who have received Heritage lottery funding previously.  This fund is for organisations wishing to make significant strategic change to become more sustainable and improve heritage management.
Heritage Enterprise - £100,000-£5 million for enterprising community organisations rescuing historic buildings and sites.
Sharing Heritage   - £3,000 - £1,000 for not-for-profit organisations or partnerships led by not-for-profit organisations with a project relating to national, regional or local heritage. 
Our Heritage - £10,000-£100,000 for any project relating to national, regional or local heritage.  Applications can be made by not-for-profit organisations, private owners of heritage (including individuals and for-profit organisations) and partnerships.
Heritage Grants – over £100,000 for any projects relating to national, regional or local heritage. 
Young Roots - £10,000-£50,000 for projects that engage young people with heritage.  This fund can be used by youth organisations to help young people create and deliver their own heritage projects. 

People’s Health Trust
The People’s Health Trust’s Active Communities programme awards grants to not for profit organisations with an annual income of less than £350,000, with less than six months running costs in their savings.  Applications are a two stage process, taking six weeks.  For more information please click here.

Community Buildings and Housing Grants
Grants are open to town or parish councils, neighbourhood forums or community groups. The grants are Pre-Feasibility awarding between £1,000 - £10,000 and Project Support awarding between £5,000 and £40,000.  Both these schemes aim to support community buildings and community housing projects to reach a Community Right to Build order, or traditional planning permission (for community led housing projects).  For more information please visit here.

European Growth Programme – Grants for the Rural Economy
The European Growth Programme funds projects that create jobs and boost the economy.  The fund is managed by Rural Payment Agency (RPA) in partnership with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs).  The grants that are available will be decided by the priorities of its LEP area and can include:
Business development
Business start-up
Renewable energy
Tourism infrastructure (small scale)
Tourism co-operation
Food processing
For more information please visit here.

Neighbourhood Planning Grants
Grants of up to £8,000 are available for parish councils or other groups who are preparing Neighbourhood Plans or Neighbourhood Development Orders.  Groups with more complex issues can apply for technical support packages, and may be eligible for a further £6,000.  Grants can be used for engagement events, leaflet production and specialist planning expertise.  More information here.

Childcare Business Grants Scheme
The Scheme aims to increase the provision of childcare by providing start-up grants of:
£500 for new businesses looking after one or more children (not relatives) on domestic premises for more than two hours in one day
£1,000 for new businesses as above, but who also provide care for disabled children
£1,000 for new nurseries/out-of-school clubs/childcare businesses on domestic premises
For more information please visit here.

Funding for Pavilions and Playing Surfaces
The Premier League and The FA Facilities Fund awards grants for building or refurbishing local facilities, such as pavilions and playing surfaces.  Applications from football clubs, schools, councils and sports associations are welcome.  Grants of £10,000-£500,000 can be awarded to projects that:
Improve community facilities for football and other sports
Increase or sustain participation, regardless of background, age or ability
Help participants of sports enhance their physical, mental and social capacity
For more information please click here.

Information courtesy of Norfolk Community Action

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